Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a specialist scan that allows us to investigate the anatomy and function of the body in detail. It is particularly used for diagnosing soft tissue injuries and conditions. MRI creates images by using strong magnetic fields so does not expose the body to any radiation.


At Fortius we offer 1.5T and 3T scanning for high quality images. All scans are carried out by our experienced radiographers. We provide a range of MRI scans including standard MRIs and specialised scans such as MRI Arthrograms and MRI VIBE sequences. Your consultant or referrer will let you know what kind of MRI you need.

MRI Arthrograms

An MRI Arthrogram provides more detailed information about your joints than a standard MRI and it can also help plan for surgery. An MRI Arthrogram can be used to find any damage to cartilage, ligaments, labrum or laxity/instability of the joint. It is a 2-part procedure.


The first part involves placing a needle into the joint to add a special MRI contrast using either ultrasound or X-ray guidance. Advice about having an injection can be found in our Imaging guided injections leaflet.


The second part of the procedure is the MRI which happens immediately after your injection to look at the appearance of the contrast in your joint.


MRI contrast

Sometimes you will need a contrast injection via a small tube in your arm to give accurate results from a scan, for example to differentiate tissues or areas of infection. This is different to an MRI Arthrogram as this is not injected directly into a joint but into your body via your bloodstream.


More information about this can be found in our MRI contrast leaflet.


MRI VIBE sequences

MRI VIBE sequences is a specialist MRI scan that helps to identify fractures or bony healing and can be performed instead of other imaging that uses radiation.

What if you are claustrophobic

The MRI scanners are open at both ends and are much shorter and wider than older models, but some people may find the experience claustrophobic. If you are worried about this please let our Reception or Appointments teams know when booking so they can give extra time for your appointment.


The area of your body being scanned will be in the middle of the machine. We have eye masks and special MRI glasses. You can bring someone with you as long as they are safe to enter the MRI room. If you would like to discuss what other support we can provide please email

MRI safety

MRI scans are not suitable for everyone because of the magnetic fields involved. All patients are required to complete an MRI safety questionnaire prior to their scan to ensure it is safe for them. Copies of our MRI safety questionnaire are available in all our departments and on our website. It will also be emailed to you prior to your appointment. It is important you disclose any implants or devices to your radiographer before your scan, including:

  • Cardiac pacemakers or neurostimulators
  • Heart valves
  • Cochlear implants
  • Surgery performed in the last 6 weeks
  • Injuries involving metallic fragments in the eyes
  • Gunshot or shrapnel injuries
  • Stents
  • Pregnancy or possibility of pregnancy (we are currently unable to scan anyone in the first trimester of pregnancy)

If you have any questions about MRI safety please contact our radiographers at We may need to ask you for more information if you have a device or implant. Please email this to us or bring it with you to your appointment.


Before your MRI

It is important to arrive 15 minutes before your scan so that there is sufficient time to get you ready. Please call us as soon as possible if you can not get to your appointment on time. We will attempt to provide you with an alternative slot on the same day.


When you arrive, the radiographer will go through your safety questionnaire with you, explain how to get ready and answer any questions you have. You will have to remove all metallic objects and may need to put on a patient gown. You may eat and drink normally before the scan.

During your MRI

The scan should not be painful but you will have to lie still on a relatively hard surface. Scans take different lengths of time depending on what you are having scanned. Most scans range from 20 minutes to 1 hour. It is important to keep as still as possible during your scan. Please let the radiographer know if there is anything which could affect your ability to stay still or that they can do to make you more comfortable.


You will hear loud noises which are made by magnetic coils that switch on and off during the scan. These coils measure the signal coming from your body to create the images. We will give you ear plugs to help reduce the noise. We can also play music through headphones.


The radiographer can see you from the control room and you can talk to each other through an intercom. You will be given a call button to press if you need help.


Standard MRI scans do not involve any injections. If you need an injection, you will be informed before your scan.

After your MRI

After your scan you can collect your belongings and get dressed. There is no aftercare so you can leave straightaway.


A radiologist report will be available for your referrer. Please let the radiographers know if you would like a CD or electronic copy of your images.


Reporting and results

We offer a state-of–the-art picture archiving communications system (PACS) which enables radiologists and consultants, both at Fortius and elsewhere, to access your images. A report from your examination will be available on PACS and sent to your referrer or consultant. All patient information is protected and stored using the strictest security measures. If you have left the clinic and would like a copy of your images, please complete a CD request form or an electronic transfer request form available on our website and email it to


If you have any questions about receiving your results or next steps, please speak to our Reception or Appointments teams, your referrer or your consultant’s secretary.


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