Rotator cuff tendonitis or shoulder impingement is a frequent cause of shoulder pain. It is sometimes known as ‘subacromial impingement’ and there are three main reasons why it happens:
This type of tendonitis is usually caused by overuse of the rotator cuff, and is common in younger athletes who take part in overhead activities such as tennis or swimming.
Symptoms may be mild at first and include pain when carrying out overhead movements such as throwing and, in some cases, while resting. If untreated, symptoms usually become worse and can cause loss of strength, limited movement, and pain during the night.
Having discussed your symptoms, the specialist will look for signs of other problems such as a pinched nerve or osteoarthritis, while checking for signs of tenderness or deformity, as well as your range of movement and arm strength. You may have an X-ray to check for other problems including bone spurs or osteophytes (bony lumps around the joints) which develop with age as well as an MRI or ultrasound scan to show the extent of damage to the rotator cuff.
Non-operative treatment: this includes rest, taking anti-inflammatory medication, if advised by your specialist and a gentle programme of stretching exercises to help improve your range of movement and strengthen the rotator cuff muscles. You may also be offered a steroid injection into the bursa below the acromion to reduce pain and inflammation.
Surgery: if your symptoms don’t improve you may be offered surgery to allow more space around the rotator cuff by removing the inflamed part of the bursa and/or removing part of the acromion. This procedure is called subacromial decompression and is usually carried out using arthroscopy.
You will probably need to wear a sling for a week or two, after which you will be given some gentle exercises to improve your strength and range of shoulder movement. It can take between two and four months for symptoms to improve and up to a year for a full recovery.
Important: This information is only a guideline to help you understand your treatment and what to expect. Everyone is different and your rehabilitation may be quicker or slower than other people’s. Please contact us for advice if you’re worried about any aspect of your health or recovery.