Dr Thomas is a Consultant in Spinal and Pain Medicine. His practice provides diagnosis and a full range of treatments for painful conditions where surgery is not indicated or is not yet needed. Common issues include degenerative and arthritic conditions, spine, joint and back injury, slipped spinal discs, and pain medicine advice after acute sporting injuries. He has experience across the age ranges, having undertaken dual pain medicine training.
Dr Thomas qualified from St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Hospital in 2000 and studied Pain Medicine at both the Imperial School NW London Deanery, and Great Ormond Street Hospital.
To find out more, or to arrange an appointment please call 0203 195 2442.
Secretary details:
DDI: +44 (0) 203 291 3111
Fax: +44 (0) 203 070 0106
Email: thomas@fortiusclinic.com
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