David Houlihan-Burne

Consultant Knee Surgeon


Mr Houlihan-Burne specialises in all aspects of knee surgery.

His surgical interests include knee cartilage and ligament injury treatment as well as knee arthritis, particularly in the younger patient. In 2013, Mr Houlihan-Burne was listed in Tatler magazine's 'Doctors Guide'.

Recent and current appointments

  • Consultant Orthopaedic Knee  Surgeon, The Fortius Clinic London, 3 Rivers Clinic Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire

Publications, lectures and teaching

  • Has written and contributed to a number of publications in the field of knee surgery
  • Teaches and lectures on several national and international courses for trainee and established surgeons
  • Former clinical advisor to the Department of Health establishing new rehabilitation regimes for knee surgery patients

Society memberships

  • British Medical Association
  • Royal College of Surgeons
  • British Orthopaedic Association
  • British Association for Surgery of the Knee (Executive Member 2011-2013)
  • British Association for Sports and Exercise Medicine

Contact details

To find out more, or to arrange an appointment please call 0203 195 2442.

Secretary details:
Jane Rose ad Jessica Page
0203 693 2127

Practice location:
Fortius Clinic London

{{ questionForm.successMessage }}

Date of Birth

Please could you pass on my best regards to David, as I was a patient of his back in 2015, diagnosed with Lateral Facet Overpressure Syndrome. Since then, I have managed to work my way back from a lot of knee trouble to completing this year’s London Marathon. I wanted to share my story as it’s important to show that if I can do this at 47 years ‘young’ then anything is possible for patients who are my age or younger and also suffering comparable knee issues.

If you need to have a knee or hip replacement, your surgeon may have recommended you have a robotic assisted procedure.
The Enhanced Recovery Pathway at the Fortius Joint Replacement Centre aims to accelerate and improve all aspects of a patient’s recovery process following surgery.

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